Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 3

Roosevelt to Duchesne

Starting out at 5:30am in Roosevelt Utah.

Great day! I started out a bit stiff but I managed to finish strong with somewhere around a 10 minute mile (this is good for me considering I've run 90 miles in the last three days). At the end I had so much energy my wife had a hard time keeping up with me. If every day is like this from here on out I'll for sure reach Wendover.

I've realized two things while running today.

First: I'm so glad I spent so much time training. Now that I'm doing the actual run I've already invested so much time into training that I would never give up. When I think it's hard I just remind myself of all the times when I forced myself to run long distances in 100 plus temperatures with 70-80% humidity. Remembering what I went through to get where I am helps me realize how meaningful my current circumstances are.

Second: I think humans have an innate desire to test their limits. Have you ever noticed that if you ask a slow eating child how fast they can finish their plate and then challenge them to a race, they'll start eating really fast. Just the other week at the pool there was a boy treading water. He called out to his mom, "Hey mom! I bet I can tread water for 10 minutes!" I think that this drive to test one's limits is a major catalyst for self improvement and a big reason as to why I'm doing this run.

And I'm off

Coming up on my 20 mile break
I can't tell you how excited I am to see the car and my family.

Doing my best to stretch out at 20 miles. Boy does this much running make me stiff and sore.

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