Monday, June 3, 2013

Day 10

Day 10
After dragging myself out of bed, I hit the road for a very dark 8 miles. I wasn't feeling very well and ended up puking at mile 6. Not a fun way to start a 33 mile run.

At the ten mile marker I sat down and watched a beautiful sunrise. Miles 10-20 I felt strong and the weather was great. It rained just enough to keep me cool, and to top things off, a fellow math teacher from the high school I previously taught at called me to let me know that for the first time in Lakeside High School history, every one the Geometry students (93% of which were mine) passed the end of year state exam. I really worried about some of them, but they worked hard and became one of Arkansas' 10 most improved high schools. Nothing like an overcast, cool weather, and good news to quicken your step and lift your spirits.

Mile 20 came quickly, but unfortunately Mile 30 didn't. From mile 20 to mile 30, I crossed over to the south side of I-80 where I would stay the rest of the way until Nevada. It was hot, and I started feeling sick again. At mile 24 I tried eating a GU and ended up throwing up again. My puke looked like black tar and hurt like crazy coming up. When I reached mile 30 I was so bad off that my wife decided I should call it a day. I went back to my hotel where I ate three big macs, took an ice bath, and went to bed.

 Definitely a forced smile

 The sunrise

Crossing over I-80

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